Thomas Doty – Storyteller
Site Overview

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Home – Landing page for Storytelling – Detailed information on Thomas Doty's performances and school programs. Includes endorsements, scheduling info, staging requirements and a press kit. Biography – About Thomas Doty, his family and cultural background, and his work as a natve storyteller. Contact – Be in touch with Doty by email, phone, or classic mail. Writing – Over 300 works for reading and teaching, including stories, essays and poems as well as notebooks and Doty's journal. There is a search function, educational tools and a link to Doty's book and audiobook available from Blackstone Publishing. Photos – Over 500 pages of galleries. There are photos of Doty, his family and ancestors, and favorite photos of critters and landscapes. Media – Audio, Video and Print. Here are interviews with Thomas Doty and with Takelma elder Agnes Baker Pilgrim. Topics include a variety of native cultural traditions, with an emphasis on the Sacred Salmon Ceremony and rock writings. There are also audio recordings of Thomas Doty telling stories, and reviews and news stories about Doty and his art. Culture – Explore a native view of seasons and moons, the Sacred Salmon Ceremony, and the native villages of Ti'lomikh and Coyote's Paw. There is also a special page featuring the life of Takelma elder Agnes Baker Pilgrim. Sources – Over 250 PDFs of accurate sources on native cultures dating back into the 1800s. Rocks – Information on native rock carvings and paintings. There are photos, drawings and interpretations of sites as well as Doty's Guide to Native Rock Writings. What's New! – Here are notices of upcoming performances, Doty's journal, and his frequently updated, Where I'm At, What I'm Up To. Guide to Website – You Are Here! Upriver to Morning – Thomas Doty is a cultural consultant for Tish McFadden's new native story and education program. This extensive web page includes excerpts from the story, illustrations, audiobook samples, interviews with Grandma Aggie, and numerous educational components. It features the latest news on the project and Doty's Notes on Takelma Culture. Photo Credits – A "Thank You!" for the many folks who have provided images used on this website. Privacy – Statement about website security, financial transactions, personal information and cookies. Donate – There are over 1500 pages of free cultural resources on this website. Your support is appreciated. |
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Website © 1997-
by Thomas Doty.