Thomas Doty – Storyteller
Grant & Aggie Singing

Agnes Baker Pilgrim's husband Grant was a well-known Yurok drummer and singer. The top photo shows Grant Pilgrim (kneeling) and Grandma Aggie (in green dress) with friends and relations on Fort Point at the 1993 Port Orford Salmon Bake and Honor Ceremony. Grant passed away in 1996, and Grandma Aggie in 2019. The bottom photo is a Yurok gambling tray circa 1900.
Two Yurok Gambling Songs These songs were sung by Grant and Aggie Pilgrim, with Grant drumming. They were recorded in 1992 in Port Orford, Oregon. (2:47) |
The Songs of the People This recording was made in the mid 1990s during a gathering of family and friends near Grants Pass, Oregon. Grant was drumming and singing Yurok songs, occasionally joined by Grandma Aggie. Aggie provided commentary and stories. Recorded and produced by Milt and Jamie Lee, with narration by Milt Lee. (28:47) |

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by Thomas Doty.