Thomas Doty – Storyteller
Native Peace Tile

A Good Journey Toward Peace and Healing
Thomas Doty, in collaboration with Roy Phillips, designed this tile for the Peace Wall located in front of the Ashland Public Library in downtown Ashland, Oregon. The images are traditional native rock writing symbols. In the upper left are two arrowheads pointing toward each other symbolizing conflict or war. Five moccasin prints (indicating both a good journey and passage of time) lead toward two arrowheads pointing away from each other meaning no conflict or peace. The background is a rock face at a Takelma vision quest site for medicine people located above the Rogue River. The names in red are native tribes from southern Oregon and northern California. The actual size is 6" x 6". The red arrow in the top photo shows the location of this tile on the Peace Wall.
Three, Two, One – LIGHT!!
After years of planning and fundraising, and at the culmination of a wonderful ceremony on International Day of Peace (September 21, 2019), the new lights were turned on for the first time on the Peace Wall. May the spirit of Peace and Healing light our paths through the dark nights ahead.

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by Thomas Doty.