Thomas Doty – Storyteller

Common Core State Standards


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For Educators

Whether you are elated by the concepts of Common Core State Standards, or not too thrilled, the reality is that teachers in the vast majority of states need to deal with them. I created this web page to show how my stories align with these standards and are relevant across content areas.

All of my stories are based in native traditions. Some are Old Time stories passed through the oral tradition. Others are original native stories that help us connect the ancient days to present days.

I hope you find this web page useful. Clicking on a link will take you to a selection of my writing that illustrates a particular concept. Use your browser's back button to return to this page.

Special thanks to Kris Kibbee for her help in creating this page.

In the Spirit of Sharing Stories,

English Language Arts – Literary

History / Social Studies

Science and Technical Subjects