Thomas Doty – Storyteller
Questions and Answers
(At the end of a storytelling for school children, a girl raises her hand.)
Girl: Mr. Doty, how old were you when you started telling stories?
Me: Twenty-eight.
Girl: Mr. Doty, how long have you been telling stories?
Me: Thirty-seven years.
(There is silence while she works through the math problem.)
Girl: That means you're sixty-five?
Me: That's right.
Girl: Wow! You're old enough to date my grandmother!
(As everyone is leaving, a boy stops me at the door.)
Boy: Did you get her phone number?
Me: Whose phone number?
Boy: The grandmother's.
Me: Of course not.
Boy: You idiot!
Me: What?
Boy: She's really pretty.
Me: Really?
Boy: Yeah, really.

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by Thomas Doty.