Thomas Doty – Storyteller


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Walking at Twilight

I love walking in the woods at twilight, as night becomes day or day becomes night. Something opens that connects me to the spirit world. This is Mythtime. For me this is more enduring and meaningful than Real Time.

For years I have sauntered through magical landscapes of Old Time stories, immersing myself in their ancient wisdoms. From the myths I learn how to be a native storyteller, and how to live my life.

Here are three perspectives from folks I have met on this journey....

Coyote: "The real world is so boring! Give me a good story about ME anytime!"

A native elder: "What is mythic is simply what some people have yet to discover."

Henry David Thoreau: "Read not the Times, read the Eternities."

The sun will be up in a bit. I'm out the door and into the wild woods. Time for another walk.
